
Research group

Retirement of Pierre Dumont


Pierre Dumont, ichthyologist and member of the PHRAGMITES Group, has recently taken a well-earned retirement following close to 35 years of service as a biologist at the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec. During these years, Pierre worked on many dossiers concerning the Saint-Laurence River and the Great Lakes, in particular the long-term monitoring of the evolution of fish communities, the status and management of Lake Sturgeon, perch and  American Eel populations, the protection and restauration of aquatic habitats, the free passage of fish, the biology and control of exotic invasive species as well as the recovery of vulnerable species including the Copper Redhorse, an endangered fish present only in southern Quebec. Believing that better knowledge leads to better decisions, as a wildlife manager Pierre worked closely with academia. In the course of his activities with the PHRAGMITES Group, he supervised Melissa Larochelle’s thesis on the impact of the common reed on the reproduction of pike. Though retired, Pierre will continue to advise the group. Thank you Pierre for your years with us and we wish you a very happy retirement!


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Coordinator : Claude Lavoie |